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February 19, 2025

Brahmakumaris Kandivali(Mumbai)Centre Celebrated Golden Jubilee Anniversary

Mumbai.Bhurabhai Aarogya Bhuvan ground at Kandivali(west) witnessed a grand celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Brahmakumaris Kandivali Centre on 1st May 2016, which overcrowded the hall with a gathering of 5000. This auspicious event was graced by senior sisters Brahmakumaris and was also shared by prominent personalities from the arena of Bollywood, music, politics and diverse disciplines who expressed their wishes.The theme of the programme was “An evening to experience -The Power of Spiritual Love &   Happiness.”

The event kicked off with a musical evening by Indian Idol participant Vishal Kothari and Bollywood playback singer Sanjeevani Bhelande, Dr. Girish Patel, renowned psychiatrist and noted Aastha channel speaker, unveiled the concept “Magic of Meditation” by providing a peek into the same.

Brahmakumaris (4) Brahmakumaris

After a beautiful dance and a warm welcome by Sister Rajkumari, Director of the Kandivali west branch of the Brahmakumaris, Sister Divyaprabha, Brahmakumaris Sub- zone incharge North Mumbai threw light on the topic of quenching inner thirst for love and linked it to the current issue of water crisis in Maharashtra. She also helped the audience experience God’s love through few minutes of guided meditation and a deep state of silence.

Brahmakumaris (3) Brahmakumaris (2)

Shri Gopal Shetty, MP spoke about how he feels that it’s God’s and the Brahmakumaris sister’s love that has brought together such a massive gathering in a state of silence. The talks were followed by Candle Lighting ceremony where Dr Nirmala Sister, Director of “The Academy for a better world” Mount Abu, shared in brief how the spiritual services expanded with the grace and blessings of God’s love. MLA Yogesh Sagar, Shiv Sena Leader Vinod Ghosalkar, Music Director Sameer Sen and Bollywood singer Pritha Majumdar, Social worker Dilip Patel shared their wishes for Brahmakumaris.