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February 19, 2025

A Biopic on APJ Abdul Kalam Coming Soon!

It’s the season of Biopics in Tinsel Town, after biopics on the likes of Milkha Singh, Mary Kom, Sarabjit Singh and more it’s the life story of Former Indian President Late APJ Abdul Kalam that’s attracted the film industry.

Filmmaker Pramod Gore who last made the acclaimed Marathi film Reti has taken up the herculean task to picturise the life and times of the highly coveted scientist turned politician Abdul Kalam. “I will be producing the film under my banner Atharva Motion Pictures,” says producer Gore. But we wonder what made him take up this subject. “There’s so much that Kalamji has done for our national, he is an inspiration to all of us. A complete rags to riches story where a boy from a small village rose against all odds to become not just the talented scientist that he was but also our President. I was amazed how a story as great as this still remained untold,” says the filmmaker.

Quite contrary to just producing the film, Pramod Gore went to the lengths of travelling till Rameshwaram, Kalam’s native place, met his elder brother who is now 99 years old along with is nephew who is 66 to get more insight into the life that APJ Kalam lived. “Yes, I traveled till Rameshwaram because I want to be thorough not falter in conveying a story as great as this. And also had to seek permission from his family before going ahead with this film. I have also bought all of his 22 written works including the likes of Ignited Minds, Wings of Fire, India 2020, The Kalam Effect and more to have enough material.”

It is learnt that Pramod Gore will be signing in a Hollywood director to make this biopic and wants to cast Irrfan Khan or Nawazuddin Siddiqui in the lead role. Confirming the news Gore says, “There have been umpteen films on Gandhi but the one which stood out was that of Richard Attenborough. It’s not easy to weave an entire life into a 2 and a half hour film and I want capable hands on board for it. Which is why I want to cast Irrfan Khan or  Nawazuddin Siddiqui also as Kalam because I think they will be able to do justice to the film.”

abdul Kalam (1)

Similarly, Mr. Gore wants to rope in AR Rahman for music and Gulzar for lyrics. “I have already registered the title of the film APJ with IMPPA which shows the seriousness of this project and I really think the industry should come out and support a film like this. Yes, I want to approach Rahman and Gulzar sahab because this story deserves the best. I will also be approaching the Indian Government, asking them if they want to make this film with me. I am hopeful for a positive response,” says Gore.

Interestingly, Mr. Gore is so moved by the story of Mr. Kalam that when he went to visit Kalam’s native place and saw the conditions in which is Tomb is placed, he resolved to give all the revenue he would make out of the film into developing that land. He wants to build a library there too and do his bit in the name of Mr. Kalam.

The biopic goes on floors in JULY and will be releasing in 2017.

इंडियन मिसाइल मैन स्वर्गीय श्री अब्दुल कलाम आज़ाद पर बायोपिक फिल्म बनाएंगे निर्माता प्रमोद गोरे।

आजकल ऐसा लग रहा है जैसे बॉलीवुड बायोपिक फिल्मों की बाढ़ आ गयी है। अब इंडियन मिसाइल मैन स्वर्गीय श्री अब्दुल कलाम आज़ाद के जीवन पर भी एक फिल्म बनने जा रही है.बताया जा रहा है की ये फिल्म मराठी निर्माता प्रमोद गोरे बनाने वाले हैं अथर्वा मोशन पिक्चर्स के बैनर तले। फिल्म में लीड रोल के लिए इरफ़ान खान या नवाज़ुद्दीन सिद्दीकी को लेना का सोचा है।

बताया जा रहा है की इस बायोपिक फिल्म में पूर्व राष्ट्रपति के उपलब्धियों और संघर्ष के दिनों को दिखाया जायेगा। प्रमोद गोरे ने अपनी पहली मराठी फिल्म रेती बनाई है जो रेत माफिया की कहानी है।

ऐसा बताया जा रहा है की प्रमोद गोरे ने इस फिल्म टाइटल ऐ पि जे इम्पा में रजिस्टर्ड करा लिया है। इस फिल्म लिए वो हॉलीवुड निर्देशक लेंगे। प्रमोद गोरे पिछले दिनों कलाम के घर रामेश्वरम गए थे और परिवार वालों  से मिले थे।

abdul Kalam (2) abdul Kalam

सूत्र ने बताया की फिल्म इस साल जुलाई अगस्त में शुरू होगी और २०१७ में रिलीज़ होगी। प्रमोद गोरे ने बताया की -कलाम जी ने हमारे देश के लिए बहुत कुछ किया है। वो हम सबके लिए प्रेरणा का स्रोत हैं। पिछले दिनों कलाम  बारे में ज़्यादा जानकारी के लिए रामेश्वरम में कई जगह घुमा। उनकी २२ किताबें भी खरीदी। कलाम की दरगाह पर भी गया। कलाम जी के जीवन को ढाई घंटे में बनाकर पेश करना इतना आसान नहीं होगा पर मैं पूरी कोशिश करूँगा।

प्रमोद गोरे ने ये चलते चलते बताया की इस फिल्म के मुनाफे पैसा सरकार को देंगे ताकि वो एक बड़ा म्यूजियम और मज़ार बनाए रामेश्वरम में।

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