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February 19, 2025

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Party to Hold Janta Darbar From August

Ahmadabad(Gujarat),The workers of the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel party in Gujarat are toiling hard day and night, keeping in mind the fact that the elections are due in 2017. The National President of the party Dashrathbhai Parekh, the Vice President of the party Kalpeshbhai Parekh, the President of Gujarat the party Jigar Kumar Kothia, Gujarat State Sangatan Mantri Ravindrabhai Sodagar and Rameshbhai Radadiya, the Gujarat Media Chief Dilipbhai Patel and all the ranks of the party are working day in and day out. Recently Jigarbhai and Dilipbhai had come to Mumbai and informed every one that from August, each and every city and nook and corner of the State will see a Janta Darbar to reach the masses.

We have always heard every Minister, Chief Minister or for that matter leader proclaiming that a darbar will be held  in their office but the party cadres of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel party actually plans to go  to each and every one  in every city as well as nook and corner of Gujarat State to hold a Durbar in order to listen to the problems of the people and try to solve as many difficulties that they face as possible. It looks like in Gujarat, after the Congress and BJP, it is the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel party which may come to the fray actively.

Sardar Vallabhbhai

The Gujarat President of the party Jigarbhai Kothia states, “Through the Janta Darbar, we will listen to the grievances and complaints of the people and try to solve as many problems of theirs as possible. We are also planning to undertake a survey and issue tickets to people who are selected by the people themselves to stand for elections. We want to build a strong India by joining hands with the public and with the help of those who have a clean image and know the pulse of the society at large and want to serve the country. We want such people to join our party and stand for elections on our tickets. We will encourage humanity and accord it top priority over religion and caste.”

The Gujarat Media Chief Dilipbhai Patel says, “We are trying to bring in a change in society with the revolutionary thoughts of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and want to build a strong Gujarat and united India by joining hands with the laymen.The government isn’t at all thinking of the poor laymen. The common man today finds it very difficult to get his meals twice a day as the prices of all essential commodities has increased tremendously. Even today it is sad that in Gujarat there are adivasi villages where the villagers do not get water. We want to do something to ameliorate then plight of all the people in Gujarat so that the common man is able to live in peace and is assured of getting at least water, clothes, food and a roof above his head to live with dignity.”